Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

It reduces opportunities for crime by using design and place management principles that reduce the likelihood of essential crime ingredients (law, offender, victim or target, opportunity) from intersecting in time and space.

NT Security Solutions
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NT Security Solutions

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a crime prevention strategy that focuses on cities and neighbourhoods’ planning, design, and structure. It reduces opportunities for crime by using design and place management principles that reduce the likelihood of essential crime ingredients (law, offender, victim or target, opportunity) from intersecting in time and space.

Predatory offenders often make a cost-benefit assessment of potential victims and locations before committing the crime. CPTED aims to create the reality (or perception) that the costs of committing the crime are higher than the potential benefits. This is achieved by creating environmental and social conditions that:

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Maximise risk to offenders (increasing the likelihood of detection, challenge and apprehension);

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Maximise the effort required to commit a crime (increasing the time, energy and resources required to commit a crime);

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Minimise the actual and perceived benefits of crime (removing, minimising or concealing crime attractors and rewards); and

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Minimise excuse-making opportunities (removing conditions that encourage/facilitate rationalisation of inappropriate behaviour).

CPTED focuses on four key strategies, and these are as follows:
Natural Surveillance

Natural Surveillance Involves maximising opportunities for passers-by or residents to observe what happens in an area (the 'safety in numbers' concept).

This highlights the importance of building layout, orientation and location; the strategic use of design; landscaping and lighting.

Natural surveillance is a by-product of well-planned, well-designed and well-used space.

Higher-risk locations can also benefit from organised surveillance, introducing formal measures, such as on-site security guards or CCTV.

Access Control

Who enters an area so that unauthorised people are excluded, for instance, via physical barriers such as fences, grills etc.

Territorial Reinforcement /Ownership

People are more likely to protect the territory they feel they own and have a certain respect for the territory of others. This can be expressed through the installation of fences, paving, signs, good maintenance and landscaping. Territoriality relates to how a community has ownership over a space.


Ensures that space is appropriately utilised and cared for. Space management strategies include activity coordination (i.e. having a specific plan for how different types of activities are carried out in space), site cleanliness, rapid repair of vandalism and graffiti, the replacement of burned-out lighting and the removal or refurbishment of decayed physical elements.

what we provide
Our Services

NT Security Solutions provide our clients with the following services

Northern Territory Government


Individual NT businesses may be eligible for up to $10,000 of which $2,000 is towards a mandatory.

Security Risk


A security risk assessment identifies, assesses, and implements critical security controls in applications.

Crime Prevention Through


The purpose of the CPTED audit was to increase safety and security for patrons in public spaces.

Security Broker


Our team will review our client’s current security systems and services.



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Northern Territory Government


Individual NT businesses may be eligible for up to $10,000 of which $2,000 is towards a mandatory.

Crime Prevention Through


The purpose of the CPTED audit was to increase safety and security for patrons in public spaces.

Security Risk


A security risk assessment identifies, assesses, and implements critical security controls in applications.

Security Broker


Our team will review our client’s current security systems and services.



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History of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

The above link is the Wikipedia history record of CPTED. However, once you start researching history in general and look at different countries, cultures, and cities built centuries ago, these principles have been used for thousands of years. City and village would use CPTED principles to protect water, food and other natural resources from being stolen. CPTED was also introduced to mitigate the possibility of clans or tribes invading and taking control over their lands. The use of Moate, Castle Walls, Elevated building positions, Rivers or other natural physical barriers or open clearings are all forms of CPTED principles.

Everyone would consider the CPTED principles when designing or planning a city, business or home in a perfect world. However, this is something that is often overlooked in the initial conceptual plans. In some cases, environmental or social frameworks can change over time, and additional control may be required retrospectively. Conducting regular CPTED audits inspections will ensure that you are maintaining the protection of your property.


What We Provide

NT Security Solutions provide our clients with the following services:

Northern Territory Government

Northern Territory Government

Individual NT businesses may be eligible for up to $10,000 of which $2,000 is towards a mandatory, independent security audit and up to $8,000 on a co-contribution basis to complete one or more eligible security improvement jobs. Clusters of businesses, such as small shopping complexes, can also apply for up to $50,000 on a co-contribution basis.


Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Audits

The purpose of the CPTED audit was to increase safety and security for patrons in public spaces, decrease opportunities for malicious damage and assault through greater visibility and importantly, to improve natural surveillance.

Security Risk Assessments

Security Risk Assessments

What is a security risk assessment? A security risk assessment identifies, assesses, and implements critical security controls in applications. It also focuses on preventing application security defects and vulnerabilities within the business.

Security risk assessment should be a continuous activity. A comprehensive security risk assessment should be conducted at least once every two years to mitigate any risk and monitor existing control.

Security Broker Services

Security Broker Services

Our Security brokers work with clients to understand their security risks and discuss using cost-effective security solutions to protect their assets and businesses. Our team will review our client’s current security systems and services, then provide recommendations to improve a cost-effective solution moving forward.

Cyber Security

Cyber Security

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